2011年4月7日 星期四

Perfect Soft-boiled eggs

Soft-boiled eggs seems simple, but it's the most difficult simple thing.
Before I come to Canada, I never try to cook a soft-boiled eggs myself. Because we can always buy a ready Soft-boiled eggs from 7-11, and there are many delicious food in Taiwan. So I never think to cook a soft-boiled egg by myself.

sometimes, we will see a  green things between yolk and egg white of the soft-boiled egg, that's because the egg is overcooked and the ferrous is vulcanized. it is not good. So cook a perfect soft-boiled egg is really not simple at all.

Basically, there are 3 kinds of soft-boiled egg: Soft-cooked, Medium-cooked and Hard-cooked.

The soft-cooked is about 80% of yolk are still liquid state and the egg white is just cooked, which has soft and smooth taste.
The hard-cooked is both yolk and egg-white are fully cooked, but its not overcooked. If the yolk is overcooked it will taste like  powder and no flavors.
The medium-cooked is in-between which is depends on the temperature of the heat and time.

Here is some tips for cooking a perfect soft-boiled egg:
Medium size egg,soft-cooked 3 min
Medium size egg,medium-cooked 5 min
Medium size egg,hard-cooked 10-12 min

Large size egg,soft-cooked 4-5 min
Large size egg,medium-cooked 6 min
Large size egg,hard-cooked 11-13 min

Extra Large size egg,soft-cooked 5 min
Extra Large size egg,medium-cooked 7-8 min
Extra Large size egg,hard-cooked 15 min

When the time is up, pull out all the hot water and put those cooked egg into an ice water.
wait for few minute and the soft-boiled egg is ready to eat!!

2011年4月6日 星期三

Japan Fair

I and my friends went to the Japan day fair this Sunday.
it is host by a Japanese club and my friend is their member.
I was planning  to see the cherry blossom in the  garden, but the weather is too cold and we didn't see much flower there. But there is alot of Japanese food booths there, so we had try alot of Japanese food.
This is not cherry blossom.

they are not either.

This one should be Lily

where is the cherry blossom???

The only cheery blossom we found in the garden is this.>"<

2011年4月4日 星期一

New member is growing up

Those baby poodles are growing up and change their hair color.
Before they are dark red color, but now their color turns lighter and looks like mocha chocolate.
Most of time, they are sleep, and Chuka will feed them every 3~4 hours, such a good mother. ^^
Hope these puppy will grow up healthfully.
Mocha chocolate puppy<3<3<3

she looks so unreal!

2011年4月1日 星期五

Everyone engaged today.

Today, when I go on my Facebook, everyone is engaged.
I was like (=_=").... and  one of my friends just message me and ask how come everyone is engaged today. She has 26 people on her Facebook change their status to engaged.  Is today a good day for married?
And on my facebook there are over 50 people change their status to engaged.....

I will say Happy April Fool~

2011年3月27日 星期日


The new version ipad is selling today.
One of my friend's father line up for whole afternoon and got two black iPad2.
another friends order them online, but it shows the availability is 3 weeks later.
My boy friend asks me to bring two iPad2 to his dad when I go back to Taiwan next month.
Everyone is getting new iPad.....

I tell this to my dad in Taiwan, and he says he want one too.
The apple store in Asia will not sell the ipad2 until the middle of May.
And the parallel import iPad2 is now about $1800CAD......which is crazy high.

My dad wants to buy a iPad because he say he can use facetime to talk with me.
But...But....>"<  the only apple product I have is iPod nano.....which is impossible play the facetime app in it.

2011年3月16日 星期三

Japan Earthquake donation

Today all my Japanese friends are absent from class.
They made lots of donation boxes last night.
I guess they all went to the Japan earthquake donation things.

2011年3月13日 星期日

Home made Cranberry chutney

Today I went to my friend's house and her grandma is making the chutney in her kitchen.
It looks interesting, and it seems a really useful sauce. so she teach me how to make it.

its kinda complicated because we have to prepare alot of ingredients.

this ingredients can make two 1/2 liter jars.


350g fresh (or freeze)cranberries
1 large bramley apple ,chopped into small chunks.
3 shallots, sliced.
20g fresh ginger, grated.
Zest and juice of 1 orange.
50g sultanas and raisins
1 tbsp mustard seeds
1 tbsp ground turmeric
1 tbsp ground allspice
1 tsp sea salt
120 cc cider vinegar
250g light brown sugar

Place all the ingredients in a large sauce pan. 
Gently heat, stirring, until the sugar dissolves.
Reduce heat once it starts to boil. 

Continue to simmer, uncovered, for about 30 minutes until the mixture has thickened and no watery juice remains.
Spoon the chutney into sterilised jars and seal . 

Store the chutney in a cool, dark place. 

The chutney can keep for up to 6 months.

2011年3月11日 星期五

Japan Earthquake and Tsunami

Today I turn on my TV and watch the NHK Japanese news.
It shows a "huge earthquake warning" on the screen.
And about one minute after the earthquake occurs. It was a huge one. when the news reporter is showing the video about how huge the earthquake is, the tsunami occurs.
The tsunami is come from the pacific ocean and flooding almost 1/2 of Fukujima city and Sendai city.
I had a Japanese friend who is living in Sendai, I hope she and her family are all right now.

2011年3月10日 星期四

New mambers

Remember last month we went to veterinary for Toy poodle's prenatal care?
Today, those baby poodles are finally arrived. And the answer of the X-ray picture is 5 baby poodles there. 4 of them are female and one is male.
When the baby just come out, Chuka is licking her baby.

Chuka is feeding one of her baby.

2011年3月6日 星期日

Bacon Flavor Dog Biscuits

This is a home made teats we made for friend's dog.
we made 24 biscuits for him.

the ingredients as following:

bacon grease 10 g
whole-wheat flour 350g
egg x1
dried milk powder 1tbsp
milk 100ml
water 100ml

Fry the bacon for the grease.

Mix above ingredients and work it into dough.
Roll the dough out to a thickness of 0.4cm sheet.
Use a biscuit cutter to cut it into 24 pieces and place them on a non-stick baking tray.
Bake at 160C for 40 min until light brown.

Dog Biscuits finished!!

2011年3月4日 星期五

New clothes for my hamster

Today I went to PetCetra and saw there are alot of pet clothes.
They have dog clothes and cat clothes, even the ferrets clothes. but they don't have any clothes for hamster. Since I have a lot of non-woven fabric left  from  non-woven craft,  I plan to make one for my hamster.

First clothes I made for him is a cloak and a hat.

But he doesn't like them.
So I made another hat for him.

A Christmas hat! he finally wear it.
but (-_-") he seems mad at me.
now I know why Petcetra doesn't have clothes for hamster.

2011年3月1日 星期二

Terrible flu

I was sick and stay on my bed for a whole week.
It is so good that I still alive and can type my blog in front of my computer.

The weather is not so good these days, and many of my classmates are sick too.
And I had high temp fever from last week and  keep coughing.
First night, I feel that I had fever but I couldn't find my family doctor. So my friend take me to the emergency of the Burnaby hospital. we were wait there for 3 hours, and I was almost die.
When I finally see the doctor, he just say it is a serious virus flu so I should take Tylenol  and drink water, then will be fine.
So I return home and take Tylenol for 3 days. But my temperature is still very high and never decrease. Some of my friends got the flu and their doctor give them a Tamiflu medicine. It is the medicine for swine-flu or some serious flu, and they recover really quickly.

Then I decide to see another doctor. My friend drive my to my family doctor, and I still have high fever. I asked him should I take Tamiflu. He said, the tamiflu is for the swine-flu, and if you had swine-flu, you will not be here. So he asked me to buy more Tylenol and drink more water.

Then I tell my father about my situation, and he went to see my family doctor in Taiwan. My family doctor immediately give my dad the tamiflu, and tell my dad that I have to take it from the first three days of fever. But I already had fever for 4 days, the efficacy may decreased.
So my dad ask a steward of Eva airline to bring the tamiflu to me.
Finally I took the tamiflu at the 5th days of fever period, and after taking it my temperature has significant decreased. And I can get put from my bed on the 6th day.
And almost recover at 7th day, even though, I am still coughing after that.

I am so happy that I am still alive.
If I keep taking Tylenol, I guess I will not be here. =_="

2011年2月19日 星期六

Sick day~

It's almost the end of the study break, and  I think I got flu.
I feel soooo sick today. Hope its not the H1N1 (>"<)

2011年2月17日 星期四

papercraft hamster

My friend just make a new friend for my hamster. It is a paper craft hamster that we download from Canon website. There are many categories of paper craft we can choose on the website.
My friend download the hamster one because he likes my hamster and he wants to make a friend for my hamster, Ballball.

.He saw an egusi on the ground.

 he likes to eat egusi as Ballball

2011年2月15日 星期二

English style Cheese cake

Its my second time of making cheese cake.
Last time I made a  lemon cheese cake.
This time I'm making an English style Oreo cheese cake.

The ingredients:
Crust base: Oreo 225g, melted butter 125g (about 2tsp)
Filling : Cream cheese 500g, sugar 150g, 4 egg, (cream)milk 1/4cup,lemon juice 2tsp, Vanilla extract 1/4tsp.

  1.  preheat oven to 380F
  2.  separate the stuffing from Oreo. Put the cookie part into a plastic bag and crush the cookie.
  3.  mix the crushed oreo with melted butter in a bowel.using a hand mixer to get the ingredients mixed thoroughly together.  And then place the mixed ingredients on the button of the bake-ware container.
  4. For filling ingredient, cut the cream cheese into small piece and put them into a big bowl. using the mixer to mix them well with sugar. then add other ingredient one by one, until all the ingredients mixed.
  5. pull the filling ingredients into the containers. 
  6.  bake them for 45~60 mins.

After baking, the cake is very hot. So we can not directly put them into refrigerator. we have to wait until its temp cool down first and then put it into fridge. 
The cake is ready to eat (^__^)v

2011年2月14日 星期一

Happy Valentine's day

Today is Valentine's day and I photoshop my hamster's picture to make a valentine's card to all my facebook friends. Hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine's day~<3<3<3

2011年2月13日 星期日

Ready for new members

Today, I went to Veterinary with my friend Amy. It's not for my hamster. 
She take her toy poodle for the prenatal care.
The Vet take a X-ray picture of her and show as how many baby poodle in her belly.
can you see how may puppies are there?

2011年2月6日 星期日

Vancouver dine out

Yesterday is the last day of the Vancouver dine out week. Me and my friends went two dine out restaurants last week. it is my first time go Vancouver dine out.
First restaurant is an Italian cuisine called Q4.
The food of the Italian restaurant is very different with what we thought. Basically, they don't serve spaghetti. The only one spaghetti on the menu has a sub-title says "only serve for Italian", which makes us "very" want to order that one. hahaha!
Since we have 12 peoples so we order everything on the menu.
I order a dish called "maiale con pera", which is a pork with pears. The pork is medium rare and its still pink inside. The pear is delicious too. it taste like red wine. My dessert is  cheese cake with ice cream and I like the gooseberry on top of the ice cream.
It taste sweet and not sour  at all.

The second dine out restaurant is a French cuisine restaurant. Many of my friends went there before and they all says it's good. This restaurant is in an old European style hotel. There is a cozy fireplace and sofa in its lobby.  And the restaurant looks like those advanced lounges in movies. I order a Risotto, Foie gras and a duck dish. The duck is a bit too salty, but overall their food is good and tasty. I think I will visit this restaurant again.

2011年2月5日 星期六

Mafia Game

Today I went to my friend's house to play a mafia game. This game is created on spring 1986 at the Psychology Department of Moscow State University by Dimma Davidoff. It is a party game which modeling a battle between killer, police and town people. Basically this game can play with four or more people and we have 12 people.  
At the beginning, everyone assigned a role by selecting card.
In our game we have 1 host,2 killers, 2 polices, and other people are the town people. 
Everyone knew his/her own role but doesn't know other's.
This game have day time and night time.
At night time phase:
When host says "it's night time everyone close eyes", everybody closes eyes.
And then the host will say "Killers open your eyes", then the killer players will point to one person.( that means kill this person,  So only the host knows who is been killed) And then host will ask killer players to close eyes.
And then the host will say "Polices open your eyes", then the police players will point to one person.( that action is checking the role of that person with the host) and then host will tell the police player to close their eyes.

Then is Day time phase:
At day time, the host will tell everyone who has been killed, and this person is out.
And then everyone have to vote who is the killer. if someone gets the most vote, this person will out.

If there are still have one killer player or one police player in the game then this game will continue. So have to go through night time phrase and day time phrase again.

if both killer players are out, then the town people and police player win. otherwise, if two police players are out then the killer players win.

we like this game soooo much, and we add more roles in this game.
we add role of "nurse or doctor" which can save one person at each night time phrase.
so when killer player kill this person, this person will still alive. However, if the "nurse" or "doctor" save the same person twice and the killers not kill this person. This person will be killed.(overdoes)
we like this kind of Psychology game so much. its creepy but very fun.

For more information about this game http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mafia_(game)

2011年2月4日 星期五

Orange Happiness Tea

My friend has an orange plant, her mother bought it for Chinese new year. There are many little oranges on the tree and we are going to use them to make an orange happiness tea for the new year. First of all, we have to prepare some oranges, an apple, and a tea bag ( black tea, or green tea)

Cut the apple into small square pieces and put them into glass tea pot. Pull boil water into the tea pot  and wait for few minutes. 
Squeeze the oranges and put the oranges and tea bag into the tea pot. And finally, add some sugar. The Orange Happiness Tea is done.

2011年2月3日 星期四

Happy Chinese New year (Year of Rabbit)

Today (Wednesday) is the Chinese New Year Eve, but I was very busy.
 I have class from 12:30 to 8:30 @surrey , and only have 2 hours break.  
I had business project meeting and I am still have to idea how to start the project (>"<) 
And one paper was due tonight and I am still working on it. 
but the good thing is our prof changes the due day then we have more time to write it better.

when I went back home its almost 9:30 pm, I was tired and cold.
 And I notice that I got 6 miss calls and 5 text messages. 
Everyone is says happy new year to me. 
 I call my friends back, my friend says " oh you don't have your new year eve dinner yet?"
yeah the new year eve dinner is very important for Chinese culture, but since my family is not here so I don't have one.
 then my friend says " why not we delivery our new year eve dinner to you, then we can all share the happiness."
I was soooo touched.
and then soon they deliver the dinner to me.

 I have my new year eve dinner with my dear friends at the last hours of year of Tiger and we welcome the year of rabbit together \^o^/

happy happy!

2011年1月28日 星期五

The way help Hamster to cut nails

Since my hamster's nail grows pretty long and curve, I searches lots web-sites for cutting hamsters nails. However, not many people knows how to do that because it is too hard to make hamster stay not not move.  When I was almost  give up, I found some you tube movie shows  how to cut Djungarian hamster's nails. Her hamster is so stable like a toy.
I practice many times, and finally get the technique.
First ,we should prepare some tools:
1.Nail scissors
2. Nail polisher 
3. good lighting
4. Treat
Notice: don't do this at night!!
Hamsters are nocturnal animals, so they are very active at night time. So, what I suggest is to cut their nails during afternoon.

The ways to cut the nails:
For the back paws is easier; you can just give him some treats and he will concentrate on eating and you can grab his paw and cut the nails.

For the front paws(& back paws together), this need some techniques.
1. hold him on your hand (face up).
2.put your thumb and middle finger under his armpits. (this will make him not moving his paws)
3. when he is stable use nail scissors to cut the nails. 
better doing this under good lighting then you can see clear.
4.after finish cutting nails, you can use nail polisher to polish the edges.
5. after cutting the nails don't forget give him a treat!

The nail polisher I have is the Peti-buffer which is use for dogs. even thought it is big but still can use on hamster.  The fine sandpaper will not hurt his paw, so don't worry. 

For some hamster really unstable, some people try to stick the fine sandpaper inside the running wheel.

Usually pet store don't know how to cut hamster's nails, but veterinarian can help to do that.
After cutting nails, hamster will not get hurt when playing wheel.

After cutting nail, he is so happy!

2011年1月22日 星期六

New toy for my hamster

Today I got a present from my friend. It is a maze toy for my hamster. It comes a watchtower and  4 tubes, so I can connect them to the maze  and my  portable carry ball.

However, my hamster is too fat, he is a teddy bear hamster with a lot of fur, so he is always stocked between tube and watchtower. (LOL)
This is how fat he is. I think I should start his diet from today!

2011年1月15日 星期六

Toffee Apple

Today we saw  a Toffee Apple in a chocolate store which has a lot of smarties stick on it.
But we don't like those smarties, so we search the recipe and make our own toffee apple.
Firstly, we have to get some apples. The apple we use is take from a apple tree in my friends backyard.  Its fresh, healthy, and not cost money.^^

To make toffee apples:

12 fun size apples or 6 regular size apples (on sticks).

Ingredients for the coating:

250g light brown sugar
1 tbsp cider vinegar
2 tbsp golden syrup
1/2 tsp red food dye


Gently bring all the ingredients to boil in a small pot, dip the apples in one by one until it's fully coated.
Rest the apples on a tray for about an hour before dipping them into "hundred and thounds".

2011年1月13日 星期四

Snow Day

Last night we had first snow of this year. There was only 15 cm of snow but many kids still playing snow angel in it. The parking lat of our apartment is full of white color, which is really beautiful. The bad thing of this snow is that it is so hard to drive on the road have snow and ice. The good thing is all the classes of Burnaby campus are CANCELLED!!! Yeah~But I still have to go my evening class in Surrey campus....sign....Orz 

2011年1月9日 星期日

First post of CMPT 376w

This is my first post of my blog.
This Friday, I had my first lecture of CMPT376 which is a w course. This course seems interesting because we can blogging. \( ̄︶ ̄)/ yeah~! However, we have to write 4 papers.(>﹏<)
I hope this course is not too hard, and wish I can write better.

( >ω<)