2011年3月1日 星期二

Terrible flu

I was sick and stay on my bed for a whole week.
It is so good that I still alive and can type my blog in front of my computer.

The weather is not so good these days, and many of my classmates are sick too.
And I had high temp fever from last week and  keep coughing.
First night, I feel that I had fever but I couldn't find my family doctor. So my friend take me to the emergency of the Burnaby hospital. we were wait there for 3 hours, and I was almost die.
When I finally see the doctor, he just say it is a serious virus flu so I should take Tylenol  and drink water, then will be fine.
So I return home and take Tylenol for 3 days. But my temperature is still very high and never decrease. Some of my friends got the flu and their doctor give them a Tamiflu medicine. It is the medicine for swine-flu or some serious flu, and they recover really quickly.

Then I decide to see another doctor. My friend drive my to my family doctor, and I still have high fever. I asked him should I take Tamiflu. He said, the tamiflu is for the swine-flu, and if you had swine-flu, you will not be here. So he asked me to buy more Tylenol and drink more water.

Then I tell my father about my situation, and he went to see my family doctor in Taiwan. My family doctor immediately give my dad the tamiflu, and tell my dad that I have to take it from the first three days of fever. But I already had fever for 4 days, the efficacy may decreased.
So my dad ask a steward of Eva airline to bring the tamiflu to me.
Finally I took the tamiflu at the 5th days of fever period, and after taking it my temperature has significant decreased. And I can get put from my bed on the 6th day.
And almost recover at 7th day, even though, I am still coughing after that.

I am so happy that I am still alive.
If I keep taking Tylenol, I guess I will not be here. =_="

