2011年1月28日 星期五

The way help Hamster to cut nails

Since my hamster's nail grows pretty long and curve, I searches lots web-sites for cutting hamsters nails. However, not many people knows how to do that because it is too hard to make hamster stay not not move.  When I was almost  give up, I found some you tube movie shows  how to cut Djungarian hamster's nails. Her hamster is so stable like a toy.
I practice many times, and finally get the technique.
First ,we should prepare some tools:
1.Nail scissors
2. Nail polisher 
3. good lighting
4. Treat
Notice: don't do this at night!!
Hamsters are nocturnal animals, so they are very active at night time. So, what I suggest is to cut their nails during afternoon.

The ways to cut the nails:
For the back paws is easier; you can just give him some treats and he will concentrate on eating and you can grab his paw and cut the nails.

For the front paws(& back paws together), this need some techniques.
1. hold him on your hand (face up).
2.put your thumb and middle finger under his armpits. (this will make him not moving his paws)
3. when he is stable use nail scissors to cut the nails. 
better doing this under good lighting then you can see clear.
4.after finish cutting nails, you can use nail polisher to polish the edges.
5. after cutting the nails don't forget give him a treat!

The nail polisher I have is the Peti-buffer which is use for dogs. even thought it is big but still can use on hamster.  The fine sandpaper will not hurt his paw, so don't worry. 

For some hamster really unstable, some people try to stick the fine sandpaper inside the running wheel.

Usually pet store don't know how to cut hamster's nails, but veterinarian can help to do that.
After cutting nails, hamster will not get hurt when playing wheel.

After cutting nail, he is so happy!

2011年1月22日 星期六

New toy for my hamster

Today I got a present from my friend. It is a maze toy for my hamster. It comes a watchtower and  4 tubes, so I can connect them to the maze  and my  portable carry ball.

However, my hamster is too fat, he is a teddy bear hamster with a lot of fur, so he is always stocked between tube and watchtower. (LOL)
This is how fat he is. I think I should start his diet from today!

2011年1月15日 星期六

Toffee Apple

Today we saw  a Toffee Apple in a chocolate store which has a lot of smarties stick on it.
But we don't like those smarties, so we search the recipe and make our own toffee apple.
Firstly, we have to get some apples. The apple we use is take from a apple tree in my friends backyard.  Its fresh, healthy, and not cost money.^^

To make toffee apples:

12 fun size apples or 6 regular size apples (on sticks).

Ingredients for the coating:

250g light brown sugar
1 tbsp cider vinegar
2 tbsp golden syrup
1/2 tsp red food dye


Gently bring all the ingredients to boil in a small pot, dip the apples in one by one until it's fully coated.
Rest the apples on a tray for about an hour before dipping them into "hundred and thounds".

2011年1月13日 星期四

Snow Day

Last night we had first snow of this year. There was only 15 cm of snow but many kids still playing snow angel in it. The parking lat of our apartment is full of white color, which is really beautiful. The bad thing of this snow is that it is so hard to drive on the road have snow and ice. The good thing is all the classes of Burnaby campus are CANCELLED!!! Yeah~But I still have to go my evening class in Surrey campus....sign....Orz 

2011年1月9日 星期日

First post of CMPT 376w

This is my first post of my blog.
This Friday, I had my first lecture of CMPT376 which is a w course. This course seems interesting because we can blogging. \( ̄︶ ̄)/ yeah~! However, we have to write 4 papers.(>﹏<)
I hope this course is not too hard, and wish I can write better.

( >ω<)